Craft CMS

Craft CMS development & design services

Craft CMS development and design in Geneva and Zurich
Design and development of Craft CMS

Craft CMS - modern, flexible and fully customizable. Whether you're a company looking for a scalable solution or a local business looking for a distinctive digital footprint, our Craft CMS expertise can reshape your online landscape.

How Craft CMS stands out

Unlike traditional content management systems, Craft CMS offers a tailor-made experience. Its fine-grained control and intuitive content structure give businesses the freedom to design websites that stand out.

Craft CMS is renowned for its flexibility, allowing developers and designers to collaborate seamlessly. Without the constraints of predetermined themes, Craft CMS is your canvas for creating unique web experiences.

Features Craft CMS brings to your business

Live preview

See changes in real time as you make them.

Matrix field

Add and arrange content exactly the way you want it.


Manage multiple sites from a single Craft installation.


Highly customizable: With thousands of themes, create a unique visual presence that matches your brand.

Custom fields

Create fields adapted to your content needs.

Benefits of Craft CMS

Our Craft CMS development process

Understanding your needs

We take a close interest in what makes your company tick.

Custom design

With Craft CMS, we're not bound by templates. We start from scratch for you.


Donner vie au design grâce à la personnalisation inégalée de Craft.

Testing & quality assurance

Make sure your website works perfectly.

Launch & support

From the first click to ongoing support, we're with you every step of the way.


Why choose Ultraperfekt for Craft CMS?

At Ultraperfekt, our Craft experts combine years of experience with innovative tools to create websites that are not only visually appealing, but also functional, secure and SEO-friendly.

Foire aux questions

Frequently asked questions about Craft CMS

How does Craft CMS compare with other platforms such as WordPress or Webflow?

Craft CMS offers a more personalized experience. Unlike many platforms offering predefined themes, Craft emphasizes flexibility and fine-grained control. This allows you to create more personalized and unique websites.

Is Craft CMS suitable for e-commerce sites?

Absolutely. With the integration of plugins such as Craft Commerce, Craft CMS becomes a formidable platform for creating powerful e-commerce solutions, offering flexibility and a seamless user experience.

How secure is Craft CMS for my company?

Security is a top priority for Craft CMS. The platform offers regular security updates and is built on a framework that adheres to the latest web security standards.

Can I manage several websites using a single Craft CMS installation?

Yes, Craft CMS's multisite feature lets you manage multiple websites from a single Craft installation, making it easy for businesses with multiple digital properties.

Does Craft CMS offer multilingual support for websites?

Certainly. Craft CMS features a robust localization function that lets you effortlessly manage and display content in multiple languages.

I don't know Craft CMS yet. How steep is the learning curve?

Craft CMS is renowned for its user-friendly administration interface. While every platform has a learning curve, many find Craft's dashboard intuitive. What's more, our team offers training and resources to help you navigate and manage your new website.

How does Craft CMS manage SEO?

Craft CMS, combined with SEO-focused plugins, provides a robust set of tools to optimize your website for search engines. The platform's inherent flexibility also ensures that SEO best practices can be easily implemented.

Can I integrate third-party applications into my Craft CMS website?

Absolument. Craft CMS est conçu pour être extensible et peut s'intégrer à une multitude d'applications et de services tiers pour améliorer la fonctionnalité de votre site Web.

What about website speed and performance with Craft CMS?

Craft CMS is designed for speed and optimization. With the right hosting and development practices, websites built on Craft are fast, responsive and optimized for performance.

Do you provide ongoing support and updates for Craft CMS websites?

Yes, we offer various types of ongoing support agreements, tailored to your needs.

Price on request

To guarantee a perfectly tailored response to your specific web design requirements, we invite you to contact us for a personalized proposal.